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WAC 296-24-24015: Handling The Load

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-24 > Section 296-24-24015



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-24-24015

Handling the load.

(1) Size of load.
(a) No crane shall be loaded beyond the rated load, except for test purposes as provided in WAC 296-24-24009.
(b) When loads which are limited by structural competence rather than by stability are to be handled, it shall be ascertained that the weight of the load has been determined within plus or minus 10 percent before it is lifted.
(2) Attaching the load.
(a) The hoist rope shall not be wrapped around the load.
(b) The load shall be attached to the hook by means of slings or other approved devices.
(3) Moving the load.
(a) The employer shall assure that:
(i) The crane is level and where necessary blocked properly.
(ii) The load is well secured and properly balanced in the sling or lifting device before it is lifted more than a few inches.
(b) Before starting to hoist, the following conditions shall be noted:
(i) Hoist rope shall not be kinked.
(ii) Multiple part lines shall not be twisted around each other.
(iii) The hook shall be brought over the load in such a manner as to prevent swinging.
(iv) If there is a slack rope condition, it should be determined that the rope is properly seated on the drum and in the sheaves.
(c) During hoisting care shall be taken that:
(i) There is no sudden acceleration or deceleration of the moving load.
(ii) The load does not contact any obstructions.
(d) Side loading of booms shall be limited to freely suspended loads. Cranes shall not be used for dragging loads sideways.
(e) No hoisting, lowering, swinging, or traveling shall be done while anyone is on the load or hook.
(f) The operator should avoid carrying loads over people.
(g) On truck mounted cranes, no loads shall be lifted over the front area except as approved by the crane manufacturer.
(h) The operator shall test the brakes each time a load approaching the rated load is handled by raising it a few inches and applying the brakes.
(i) Outriggers shall be used when the load to be handled at that particular radius exceeds the rated load without outriggers as given by the manufacturer for that crane. Where floats are used they shall be securely attached to the outriggers. Wood blocks used to support outriggers shall:
(i) Be strong enough to prevent crushing.
(ii) Be free from defects.
(iii) Be of sufficient width and length to prevent shifting or toppling under load.
(j) Neither the load nor the boom shall be lowered below the point where less than two full wraps of rope remain on their respective drums.
(k) Before lifting loads with locomotive cranes without using outriggers, means shall be applied to prevent the load from being carried by the truck springs.
(l) When two or more cranes are used to lift one load, one designated person shall be responsible for the operation. They shall be required to analyze the operation and instruct all personnel involved in the proper positioning, rigging of the load, and the movements to be made.
(m) In transit the following additional precautions shall be exercised.
(i) The boom shall be carried in line with the direction of motion.
(ii) The superstructure shall be secured against rotation, except when negotiating turns when there is an operator in the cab or the boom is supported on a dolly.
(iii) The empty hook shall be lashed or otherwise restrained so that it cannot swing freely.
(n) Before traveling a crane with load, a designated person shall be responsible for determining and controlling safety. Decisions such as position of load, boom location, ground support, travel route, and speed of movement shall be in accord with their determinations.
(o) A crane with or without load shall not be traveled with the boom so high that it may bounce back over the cab.
(p) When rotating the crane, sudden starts and stops shall be avoided. Rotational speed shall be such that the load does not swing out beyond the radii at which it can be controlled. A tag or restraint line shall be used when rotation of the load is hazardous.
(q) When a crane is to be operated at a fixed radius, the boom-hoist pawl or other positive locking device shall be engaged.
(r) Ropes shall not be handled on a winch head without the knowledge of the operator.
(s) While a winch head is being used, the operator shall be within convenient reach of the power unit control lever.
(4) Holding the load.
(a) The operator shall not be permitted to leave the control position while the load is suspended.
(b) No person should be permitted to stand or pass under a load on the hook.
(c) If the load must remain suspended for any considerable length of time, the operator shall hold the drum from rotating in the lowering direction by activating the positive controllable means of the operator's station.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-24-24015, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; Order 73-5, § 296-24-24015, filed 5/9/73 and Order 73-4, § 296-24-24015, filed 5/7/73.]