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WAC 16-752-650: Disposal of regulated articles

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-752 > Section 16-752-650



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 16-752-650

Disposal of regulated articles.

Any plants, plant parts, or seed packets transported, bought, sold, or offered for sale in violation of this chapter are subject to destruction or shipment out-of-state or other disposition in a manner prescribed by the director to prevent infestation. Any such action will be at the expense of the owner or the owner's agent and without compensation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 17.10.074, 17.24.011, 17.24.041 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 14-07-040, § 16-752-650, filed 3/12/14, effective 4/12/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.24, 17.10 RCW. WSR 00-24-021, § 16-752-650, filed 11/28/00, effective 12/29/00; WSR 92-07-025, § 16-752-650, filed 3/10/92, effective 4/10/92.]