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WAC 173-306-320: Demonstration and class-use permits

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-306 > Section 173-306-320



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WAC 173-306-320

Demonstration and class-use permits.

(1) Demonstration permits. Demonstration permits must be required for persons utilizing ash (see WAC 173-306-490 (2)(b)). In addition, persons applying for a utilization permit must demonstrate that the proposed utilization will successfully meet the requirements of WAC 173-306-490 (2)(b)(ii) before full scale reuse or utilization is practiced.
(a) The demonstration permit will be issued in accordance with the procedures of WAC 173-306-310;
(b) The demonstration permit shall address those requirements necessary to meet the standards of WAC 173-306-490 (2)(b)(ii) and (iii), and show that a disposal facility meeting the requirements of this chapter is available in case the demonstration fails or this permit is revoked;
(c) The demonstration permit shall provide a specific time period and a limit on the quantity of ash that will be used for the demonstration; the department may extend the demonstration period as a modification of the demonstration permit;
(d) Unless otherwise approved by the department, the permittee shall submit a report to the department within ninety days of the end of the demonstration. The report shall contain the results of all field tests and laboratory analyses and all data developed during the demonstration period. The department shall then use the information to determine whether or not there is adequate information to issue a class-use permit that will incorporate conditions sufficient to provide compliance with all requirements of WAC 173-306-490 (2)(b)(ii) and (iii). If the information is adequate, the department will issue a class-use permit under the provisions of this section. If the information is inadequate, the department may, as the situation warrants, either issue a modification to the demonstration permit in accordance with the procedures of WAC 173-306-310(3) and this subsection, or deny the class-use permit application.
(2) Class-use permits. Class-use permits are required for persons who distribute utilized ash on the land in a manner that constitutes disposal. The permit is issued to the seller or distributor of utilized ash or ash products to a class of users.
(a) The class-use permit will be issued in accordance with the procedures of WAC 173-306-310;
(b) The class-use permit shall contain those requirements necessary to meet the standards of WAC 173-306-490 (2)(b), including reporting requirements; and
(c) The department will place limitations on the class of users of utilized ash or ash products if it is shown that the limits are necessary to protect human health and the environment.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.138 RCW. WSR 00-19-018 (Order 00-17), § 173-306-320, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00; WSR 90-10-047, § 173-306-320, filed 4/30/90, effective 5/31/90.]