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WAC 173-182-262: Vessel notification requirements for a discharge or substantial threat of a discharge

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-182 > Section 173-182-262



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-182-262

Vessel notification requirements for a discharge or substantial threat of a discharge.

(1) The owner or operator of a covered vessel must notify the state through the Washington emergency management division of a discharge or substantial threat of a discharge. Notification must be made within one hour of the discharge or substantial threat of a discharge, or as soon as is feasible without further endangering the vessel or personnel. (2) Vessel discharge notifications are in addition and made subsequent to notifications that the owner or operator of a covered vessel must provide to the United States Coast Guard. Vessels enrolled in plans covering multiple vessels must notify the plan holder in addition to the state, unless the state has already been notified by the plan holder on behalf of the vessel owner or operator. (3) Notification of the discharge or substantial threat of a discharge initiates activation of the plan. Upon notification the vessel owner/operator will coordinate as appropriate with: (a) The state of Washington and the United States Coast Guard to take any necessary actions to protect the public health, welfare, and natural resources of the state; and (b) The plan holder for plan implementation as described in the plan. (4) Notification procedures must be included in the plan. (5) The substantial threat of a discharge may be determined or affected by the following conditions: (a) Ship location and proximity to land or other navigational hazards; (b) Weather; (c) Tidal currents; (d) Sea state; (e) Traffic density; (f) Condition of vessel; and (g) Timing or likelihood of vessel repairs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 88.46.060, 90.46.050. WSR 14-15-076 (Order 13-10), § 173-182-262, filed 7/16/14, effective 8/16/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 88.46, 90.48, 90.56 RCW, and 2011 c 122. WSR 13-01-054 (Order 11-06), § 173-182-262, filed 12/14/12, effective 1/14/13.]