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WAC 242-03-545: Prehearing Order

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 242 > Chapter 242-03 > Section 242-03-545



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 242-03-545

Prehearing order.

(1) Within seven days after the prehearing conference, the presiding officer shall issue a prehearing order memorializing rulings of the board at or prior to the prehearing conference, establishing the issues for resolution in the case, and setting the final case schedule for motions, briefing, and the hearing on the merits. The prehearing order may include:
(a) Admissions concerning jurisdiction, standing, or timeliness of the appeal;
(b) Provisions concerning the record, documents to be provided, witnesses allowed, if any, and authenticity and/or admissibility of exhibits;
(c) Limitations on length of briefs and the coordination of arguments from parties with related issues; or
(d) Any other matters that may expedite the resolution of the matter.
(2) Any objection to such order shall be made in writing within seven days after the date the order is dated. The prehearing order shall control ensuing proceedings unless modified for good cause by a subsequent order.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 36.70A.270(7). WSR 11-13-109, § 242-03-545, filed 6/21/11, effective 7/22/11.]