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WAC 232-12-261: Live decoys unlawful-Waterfowl and wild turkey

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 232 > Chapter 232-12 > Section 232-12-261



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 232-12-261

Live decoys unlawful—Waterfowl and wild turkey.

(1) It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl and wild turkeys with the use or aid of live birds as decoys.
(2) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor, punishable under RCW 77.15.400, Unlawful hunting of wild birds—Violation of a rule requiring nontoxic shot—Penalty, unless waterfowl or wild turkey are taken in quantities constituting a first degree offense, which is a gross misdemeanor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.013, 77.04.055, 77.12.045, and 77.12.047. WSR 13-02-043 (Order 12-290), § 232-12-261, filed 12/21/12, effective 1/21/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. WSR 99-17-034 (Order 99-118), § 232-12-261, filed 8/11/99, effective 9/11/99; WSR 81-12-029 (Order 165), § 232-12-261, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-640.]