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WAC 434-670-020: Eligible and ineligible activities

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 434 > Chapter 434-670 > Section 434-670-020



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 434-670-020

Eligible and ineligible activities.

(1) The following activities, including but not limited to, are eligible for support through grants administered pursuant to this chapter:
(a) Planning;
(b) Records management;
(c) Preservation;
(d) Conservation;
(e) Professional consultants;
(f) Essential equipment;
(g) Reference tools, and;
(h) Education;
(i) Temporary personnel.
(2) The following activities, including but not limited to, are ineligible for support through grants administered pursuant to this chapter:
(a) Projects already completed;
(b) Expenses incurred prior to the grant period;
(c) Existing/permanent staff positions;
(d) Equipment nonessential to the project;
(e) Capital improvements to buildings;
(f) Payments to lobbyists;
(h) Hospitality expenses;
(i) Prizes/awards;
(j) Benefit activities (social, fund-raisers, etc.);
(k) Educational outreach not available to the public;
(l) Tuition reimbursement for academic credit;
(m) Activities having a religious purpose;
(n) Inventories/guides not available to the public and;
(o) Purchase of manuscripts/records.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 36.22.175(1). WSR 03-06-069, § 434-670-020, filed 3/3/03, effective 4/3/03.]