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WAC 446-08-500: Effect Of Noncompliance With WAC 446-08-470 Or 446-08-490

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 446 > Chapter 446-08 > Section 446-08-500



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 446-08-500

Effect of noncompliance with WAC 446-08-470 or 446-08-490.

Whenever the manner of introduction of opinion or expert testimony is governed by requirements fixed under the provisions of WAC 446-08-470 or 446-08-490, such testimony not submitted in accordance with the relevant requirements shall not be received in evidence in the absence of a clear showing that the offering party had good cause for his or her failure to conform to such requirements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 304-05-020 [34.05.020] and chapter 43.43 RCW. WSR 14-03-020, § 446-08-500, filed 1/7/14, effective 2/7/14; Order II, § 446-08-500, filed 11/22/74.]