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WAC 388-02-0165: What if you would like to be represented by an attorney but you cannot afford one?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-02 > Section 388-02-0165



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 388-02-0165

What if you would like to be represented by an attorney but you cannot afford one?

(1) Neither DSHS nor OAH will pay for an attorney.
(2) If you want an attorney to represent you and cannot afford one, community resources may be available to assist you. These legal services may be free or available at a reduced cost. DSHS or OAH can tell you who to contact for legal assistance.
(3) Information about legal assistance can also be found at
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.020. WSR 00-18-059, § 388-02-0165, filed 9/1/00, effective 10/2/00.]