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WAC 296-104-065: Administration-How should an inspector obtain a Washington state commission?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-104 > Section 296-104-065



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-104-065

Administration—How should an inspector obtain a Washington state commission?

A commission as a deputy inspector of boilers and/or unfired pressure vessels may be issued by the chief inspector to an inspector complying with WAC 296-104-065 (1) or (4). Upon the request of a boiler insurance company authorized to insure and insuring against loss from explosion of boilers and/or unfired pressure vessels in this state, or a company with an owner/user inspection agency, a commission as a special inspector of boilers and/or unfired pressure vessels shall be issued by the chief inspector to an inspector in the employ and supervision of such company provided the inspector has had the experience prescribed in chapter 70-79 RCW and complies with one of the following:
(1) Passed an examination covering the Washington state boilers and unfired pressure vessels law, chapters 70.79 RCW and 296-104 WAC; and holds a national board commission.
(2) Is certified by the American Petroleum Institute in accordance with API-510 for pressure vessel inspection, having passed an examination covering the Washington state boilers and unfired pressure vessels law, chapters 70.79 RCW and 296-104 WAC.
(3) Is certified by the American Petroleum Institute in accordance with API-510 for pressure vessel inspection, and specifically and temporarily in the direct employ of an owner/user inspection agency as set forth in RCW 70.79.130. This inspector shall be exempted from the state examination requirement in WAC 296-104-065(2).
(4) Is an inspector holding the national board "A" endorsement and performs shop inspections only. This inspector shall be exempt from the exam requirement set forth in WAC 296-104-065(1).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030, 70.79.040, 70.79.150, 70.79.290, 70.79.330, 70.79.350, and chapter 70.79 RCW. WSR 04-01-194, § 296-104-065, filed 12/24/03, effective 1/24/04; WSR 01-24-061, § 296-104-065, filed 11/30/01, effective 12/31/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030 and 70.79.040. WSR 99-22-026, § 296-104-065, filed 10/26/99, effective 11/26/99; WSR 96-21-081, § 296-104-065, filed 10/16/96, effective 11/16/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.040. WSR 94-21-002, § 296-104-065, filed 10/5/94, effective 11/5/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.79.030. WSR 78-03-057 (Order 78-3), § 296-104-065, filed 2/22/78; Order 74-37, § 296-104-065, filed 11/8/74; Part II, § 10, filed 3/23/60.]