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WAC 131-40-020: Political activities, candidates for office

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 131 > Chapter 131-40 > Section 131-40-020


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WAC 131-40-020

Political activities, candidates for office.

The following provisions shall apply to employees who are candidates for appointment or election to public office or who seek to participate in campaigns for constitutional amendments, referendums, initiatives, other similar activities, or candidates for nonpartisan public offices.
(1) Employees may engage in political activity as set forth above without reduction in salary and status when in the judgment of the state director appropriate arrangements can be made to ensure that the individual's assigned duties are effectively discharged.
(2) When in the judgment of the state director circumstances warrant, an employee shall be granted a leave of absence without pay or authority to use accrued annual vacation leave to engage in such political activity.
(3) The employee shall also be entitled to receive a reduced assignment and pay status in order to engage in such political activity when in the judgment of the state director such reduced work status will not substantially interfere with the effectiveness of his office and the function of the state board.
(4) If the employee concerned is the director or deputy director, the state board shall make the determination required above.
[Order 20, § 131-40-020, filed 12/4/73.]