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WAC 173-308-200: Exemptions based on the exceptional quality of biosolids

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-308 > Section 173-308-200



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-308-200

Exemptions based on the exceptional quality of biosolids.

The person who prepares and the person who applies biosolids that meet the exceptional quality standards are exempt from the following requirements:
(1) The requirement in WAC 173-308-120(6) for obtaining prior written approval of the landowner.
(2) The site management and access restrictions in WAC 173-308-210(5) except where, on a case-by-case basis, the director applies any or all restrictions after determining that the requirements are necessary to protect public health and the environment from any adverse effect that may occur from a pollutant in the bulk biosolids.
(3) The recordkeeping and certification requirements in WAC 173-308-290(3).
(4) The requirement in WAC 173-308-300 (6)(c) for submittal of a land application plan when used as a component of intermediate or final cover at a municipal solid waste landfill.
(5) The land application plan requirements of WAC 173-308-310(8), except as provided in WAC 173-308-310 (8)(a)(ii) or (iii).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.95J and 70.95 RCW. WSR 07-12-010 (Order 06-06), § 173-308-200, filed 5/24/07, effective 6/24/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.95J.020 and 70.95.255. WSR 98-05-101 (Order 97-30), § 173-308-200, filed 2/18/98, effective 3/21/98.]