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WAC 24-12-010: Amount of assessments

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 24 > Chapter 24-12 > Section 24-12-010



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 24-12-010

Amount of assessments.

(1) There is hereby levied upon all fresh apples grown annually in this state, and upon all apples packed as Washington apples, including fresh sliced, an assessment of eight and seventy-five one-hundredths cents per one hundred pounds of apples, based on net shipping weight or reasonable equivalent net product assessment measurement as determined by the commission.
(2) Assessments shall be payable as provided in WAC 24-12-012, whether in bulk or loose in boxes or any other container, or packed in any style package. The net shipping weights for the following containers shall apply for the purpose of computing the assessments:


Tray Carton 37-52 lbs.  

Cell Carton 37-52 lbs.  

1 Layer Carton AKA Euro Carton 10-15 lbs.  

2 Layer Carton AKA Euro Carton 20-30 lbs.  

3 Layer Carton AKA Euro Carton 30-40 lbs.  

Euro Carton 1-3 Layers 10-45 lbs.  

Master Carton (Bags in Box/Clamshell) 10-50 lbs.  

Master Bin (Bags in Bin/Clamshell) 300-600 lbs.  

Bin (Loose/Jumble/Bulk) 500-900 lbs.  

Loose Carton (Jumble/Bulk) 10-40 lbs.  

Carton (2/3 Bushel) 25-35 lbs.  

1/2 Carton 18-25 lbs.  

1/3 Bushel Carton 10-15 lbs.  

Overwrap Carton 30-40 lbs.  

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.24 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 09-19-074, § 24-12-010, filed 9/16/09, effective 10/17/09. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.24 RCW. WSR 00-23-064, § 24-12-010, filed 11/15/00, effective 12/16/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.24 RCW and 1997 c 303. WSR 98-18-060 and 98-21-048, § 24-12-010, filed 8/31/98 and 10/15/98, effective 10/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.24.070(1). WSR 86-21-088 (Order 19), § 24-12-010, filed 10/17/86; WSR 84-20-002 (Order 16), § 24-12-010, filed 9/20/84; WSR 82-20-073 (Order 13), § 24-12-010, filed 10/6/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.24.070(1) and 15.24.090. WSR 81-16-011 (Order 9), § 24-12-010, filed 7/27/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.24.070(1). WSR 79-04-045 (Order 8), § 24-12-011 (codified as WAC 24-12-010), filed 3/27/79, effective with the 1979 and subsequent crops of apples; WSR 78-07-030 (Order 7), § 24-12-010, filed 6/16/78, effective 9/1/78; Order 6, § 24-12-010, filed 11/14/77; Order 1, § 24-12-010, filed 9/19/69; Regulation No. 2, filed 1/26/67; Regulation No. 2, effective 9/29/61.]