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WAC 420-12-040: Eligible matching resources

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 420 > Chapter 420-12 > Section 420-12-040



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 420-12-040

Eligible matching resources.

(1) Applicant resources used to match board funds may include: Cash, certain federal funds, the value of privately owned donated real estate, equipment, equipment use, materials, labor, or any combination thereof. The specific eligible matches for any given grant cycle shall be detailed in the published manual. The director shall require documentation of values. (2) Agencies and organizations may match board funds with other state funds, including recreation and conservation funding board funds, so long as the other state funds are not administered by the board and if otherwise allowed by state law. For the purposes of this subsection, grants issued by other agencies under the Jobs for Environment program and the Forests & Fish program are not considered to be administered by the board. (3) Private donated real property, or the value of that property, must consist of real property (land and facilities) that would otherwise qualify for board grant funding. (4) The eligibility of federal funds to be used as a match is governed by federal requirements and thus may vary with individual proposals and grant cycles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 77.85.120 (1)(d). WSR 14-13-071, § 420-12-040, filed 6/13/14, effective 7/14/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.250, [42.17].260(5), [42.17.]290, 43.21C.120(1), chapters 34.05, 42.30, 77.85 RCW. WSR 01-04-052, § 420-12-040, filed 2/2/01, effective 3/5/01.]