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WAC 363-11-470: Expert or opinion testimony-Number and qualifications of witnesses

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 363 > Chapter 363-11 > Section 363-11-470



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 363-11-470

Expert or opinion testimony—Number and qualifications of witnesses.

That the hearing examiner or other appropriate officer in all classes of cases where practicable make an effort to have the interested parties agree upon the witness or witnesses who are to give expert or opinion testimony, either by selecting one or more to speak for all parties or by limiting the number for each party; and, if the interested parties cannot agree, require them to submit to him and to the other parties written statements containing the names, addresses and qualifications of their respective opinion or expert witnesses, by a date determined by him and fixed sufficiently in advance of the hearing to permit the other interested parties to investigate such qualifications.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 88.16 RCW. WSR 12-12-041, § 363-11-470, filed 5/30/12, effective 6/30/12. WSR 97-08-042, recodified as § 363-11-470, filed 3/28/97, effective 3/28/97; Rule .08.470, effective 3/1/60, filed 3/23/60.]