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WAC 480-73-110: Filing Information

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 480 > Chapter 480-73 > Section 480-73-110



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 480-73-110

Filing information.

(1) Filing. The commission records center will accept any filing under WAC 480-73-170 (Issuing securities) delivered in person, by mail, telefacsimile, or electronic mail message. The commission records center will accept all other reports required in Part II in person, by mail, or when procedures are in place, electronic mail message.
(2) Commission may require additional information. The commission may require information in addition to that specified by statute or in this chapter.
(3) Information by reference. When any information required to support a filing is on file with the commission, it is sufficient to make specific reference to the information indicating the proceeding, report, or other filing that contains the referenced information.
(4) When information is unavailable. If any required information is unavailable at the time of the filing, the filing must include the reason why the information is not available and state when it will be available.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 80.04.160, and 81.04.160. WSR 05-17-026 (Docket No. A-021178 and TO-030288, General Order No. R-522), § 480-73-110, filed 8/5/05, effective 9/5/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 80.04.160, 81.04.160 and 34.05.353. WSR 05-06-051 (Docket No. A-021178 and TO-030288, General Order No. R-518), § 480-73-110, filed 2/28/05, effective 3/31/05.]