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WAC 246-217-045: Limited duty food worker cards

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-217 > Section 246-217-045



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 246-217-045

Limited duty food worker cards.

The local health officer may issue a limited duty card when necessary to reasonably accommodate a person with a disability.
(1) A person applying to obtain a limited duty card shall communicate to the local health officer which low public health risk activity(ies) (e.g., dishwashing, bussing tables, filling condiment containers, etc.) he or she will be performing.
(2) The health officer may require the applicant to attend the food safety training associated with the issuance of food worker cards. No written examination is required for the issuance of limited duty cards.
(3) The local health officer shall list the approved activity(ies) on the food worker card.
(4) The fee and length of validity of limited duty cards is the same as all other food worker cards.
(5) The employer should ensure that the individual is provided with information to safely perform the activity(ies) listed on the card.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 99-13-019, § 246-217-045, filed 6/7/99, effective 7/8/99.]