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WAC 415-501-330: Does the department maintain a record of my account?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 415 > Chapter 415-501 > Section 415-501-330



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 415-501-330

Does the department maintain a record of my account?

The department maintains a deferred compensation account for each participant. When necessary, the department will create and maintain a deferred compensation account for a beneficiary or for a former spouse. [Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050(5). WSR 14-10-045, § 415-501-330, filed 4/30/14, effective 6/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050(5), 41.50.780(10), and 41.50.770. WSR 04-22-053, § 415-501-330, filed 10/29/04, effective 11/29/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.770, [41.50.]780 and 41.50.050. WSR 00-11-104, recodified as § 415-501-330, filed 5/18/00, effective 6/18/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.50.780(11). WSR 96-16-020, § 415-508-040, filed 7/29/96, effective 7/29/96.]