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WAC 504-15-350: Use of areas for emergency, maintenance, events, or construction

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 504 > Chapter 504-15 > Section 504-15-350



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 504-15-350

Use of areas for emergency, maintenance, events, or construction.

(1) The university reserves the right to restrict access to any campus parking area, roadway, or sidewalk at any time it is deemed necessary for maintenance, safety, events, construction, or emergencies. The parking department provides notice to users when possible. (2) The parking department may authorize the towing of vehicles parked in areas that are designated to be used for emergencies, maintenance, events, or construction. Towing is at the owner's expense. (3) Public safety and maintenance personnel performing official duties may deviate from these regulations as required to conduct emergency procedures. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150. WSR 15-11-036, § 504-15-350, filed 5/14/15, effective 6/14/15; WSR 14-11-024, § 504-15-350, filed 5/12/14, effective 6/12/14; WSR 08-08-050, § 504-15-350, filed 3/27/08, effective 7/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.095, 28B.30.125 and 28B.30.150. WSR 95-13-003, § 504-15-350, filed 6/8/95, effective 7/9/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.125, 28B.30.150, 28B.10.560 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 90-11-078 (Order 90-1), § 504-15-350, filed 5/16/90, effective 7/1/90.]