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WAC 478-160-020: Undergraduate admission policy

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 478 > Chapter 478-160 > Section 478-160-020



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 478-160-020

Undergraduate admission policy.

The University of Washington's board of admissions, scholastic standards and graduation, appointed by the president of the university, is responsible for the interpretation and administration of the regulations governing the admission of undergraduate students.
The office of admissions has been assigned the responsibility of distributing and processing applications for admission with undergraduate standing at the University of Washington.
Application closing dates are established for all admission classifications for all quarters. Applications are generally not accepted after closing dates except for summer quarter when they will be accepted routinely through Registration Period III. Summer quarter applications will be accepted after the closing date only from students returning to the university in the classification under which they last attended or students new to the university as "Summer only nonmatriculated" students.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. WSR 92-12-011, § 478-160-020, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 74-1, § 478-160-020, filed 3/4/74; Order 72-5, § 478-160-020, filed 11/6/72.]