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WAC 308-48-815: Objections to brief adjudicative proceedings and conversion to formal adjudicative hearings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-48 > Section 308-48-815



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 308-48-815

Objections to brief adjudicative proceedings and conversion to formal adjudicative hearings.

(1) At least five days before the scheduled brief adjudicative proceeding, any party, including the board, may file a written objection to resolution of a matter by a brief adjudicative proceeding and may request that a matter be converted to a formal adjudicative hearing. Upon receiving a timely written objection, the presiding officer shall determine whether the matter should be converted. Regardless of whether any party files a timely objection, the presiding officer may convert any brief adjudicative proceeding to a formal adjudicative hearing whenever it appears that a brief adjudicative proceeding is insufficient to determine the issues pending before the board.
(2) In determining whether to convert a proceeding, the presiding officer may consider the following factors:
(a) Whether witness testimony will aid the presiding officer in resolving contested issues of fact;
(b) Whether the legal or factual issues are sufficiently complex to warrant a formal adjudicative proceeding, including whether there are multiple issues of fact or law;
(c) Whether a brief adjudicative proceeding will establish an adequate record for further agency or judicial review;
(d) Whether the legal issues involved in the proceeding present questions of legal significance or are being raised for the first time before the agency;
(e) Whether conversion of the proceeding will cause unnecessary delay in resolving the issues; and
(f) Any other factors that the presiding officer deems relevant in reaching a determination.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.39.175 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 05-23-150, § 308-48-815, filed 11/22/05, effective 12/23/05.]