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WAC 16-750-140: State noxious weed control board-Committees

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-750 > Section 16-750-140



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 16-750-140

State noxious weed control board—Committees.

Standing committees shall fairly reflect the composition of the board and unless advertised and open to the public, not more than four voting members may attend a committee meeting.
(1) Executive committee. An executive committee is authorized to deal with housekeeping and personnel matters, subject to board approval at the next scheduled board meeting. The chairperson appoints the executive committee with approval of the board.
(2) Standing committees. The standing committees of the board are: Budget, executive, noxious weed, and education. The board chairperson appoints the chairperson and other members of each committee.
(3) Ad-hoc committees may be appointed from time to time.
(4) Committee voting procedures.
(a) All members of a particular committee have the right to vote. Other members in attendance may enter into discussion, but shall have no vote.
(b) Proxy voting is not permitted.
(c) All questions decided by the committee will be by majority of the committee members present.
(5) Advisory committees. Advisory committees are established by the board as deemed necessary to the functioning of the board. Advisory committees are limited in their scope to the purposes determined by the board.
(6) Notice. Notice of committee meetings shall be given to the executive secretary.
(7) Committee reports.
(a) Committee reports and recommendations are submitted to the board in writing except when committees meet in conjunction with the board.
(b) Minority reports may be submitted by members of a committee, if signed by those members.
(8) Committee compensation. Board members attending meetings of committees will, upon request, be reimbursed on the same basis as for attendance at regularly called board meetings.
(9) All committee appointments will be reviewed in January of even-numbered years.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.10 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 12-01-050, § 16-750-140, filed 12/15/11, effective 1/15/12. Statutory Authority: Chapter 17.10 RCW. WSR 99-24-029, § 16-750-140, filed 11/23/99, effective 1/3/00; WSR 93-01-004, § 16-750-140, filed 12/2/92, effective 1/2/93.]