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WAC 170-297-3250: Immunization Tracking

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 170 > Chapter 170-297 > Section 170-297-3250



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 170-297-3250

Immunization tracking.

The licensee or designee is required to track each child's immunization status in accordance with WAC 246-105-060. The child care program must:
(1) Keep all DOH approved forms described in WAC 246-105-050 for each enrolled child;
(2) Keep a list of currently enrolled children with medical, religious, philosophical, or personal immunization exemptions. This list must be sent to the local health department upon request;
(3) Return the department of health CIS or applicable form to the parent when the child is withdrawn from the child care program. A child care program may not withhold from the parent a child's health department-approved form for any reason, including nonpayment of child care program fees; and
(4) Provide access to immunization records of each child enrolled to agents of the state or local health department.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 12-23-057, § 170-297-3250, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.]