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WAC 479-14-273: If small city federal match funding is fully allocated

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 479 > Chapter 479-14 > Section 479-14-273



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 479-14-273

If small city federal match funding is fully allocated.

If an eligible application is received after all of the apportioned funding is committed, TIB may use small city preservation program funds as described in WAC 479-10-011 and 479-10-174. If all SCAP and SCPP funds are committed, the local agency may present their project to the board at the next scheduled board meeting after receiving the notice of denial from TIB staff. The notice of denial may be in the form of an e-mail or letter.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. WSR 12-08-060, § 479-14-273, filed 4/3/12, effective 5/4/12.]