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WAC 132E-137-050: Nonassignment and cancellation

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132E > Chapter 132E-137 > Section 132E-137-050



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 132E-137-050

Nonassignment and cancellation.

(1) This use agreement shall be nonassignable. Only the licensee as named in the use agreement shall use the facilities.
(2) The college reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time and to refund any payment made to the college for the use of the college facilities and equipment when it deems such action advisable and in the best interests of the college.
(3) Events scheduled more than one academic quarter (3 months) in advance, may be cancelled by the college for scheduling of priority college events.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.19.020, 28B.50.140(13) and chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 87-14-001 (Order 87-6-5, Resolution No. 87-6-5), § 132E-137-050, filed 6/18/87.]