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WAC 388-14A-5004: How does DCS distribute support collections in a former assistance case?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-14A > Section 388-14A-5004



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-14A-5004

How does DCS distribute support collections in a former assistance case?

(1) A former assistance case is one where the family is not currently receiving a TANF grant, but has at some time in the past.
(2) Subject to the exceptions provided under WAC 388-14A-5005, the division of child support (DCS) distributes support collections within each Title IV-D former-assistance case:
(a) First, to satisfy the current support obligation for the month DCS received the collection;
(b) Second, to satisfy support debts owed to the family;
(c) Third, to satisfy support debts which are conditionally or temporarily assigned to the department. These collections are disbursed according to WAC 388-14A-2039;
(d) Fourth, to satisfy support debts which are permanently assigned to the department to reimburse the cumulative amount of assistance which has been paid to the family; and
(e) Fifth, to prepaid support as provided for under WAC 388-14A-5008.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 26.23.035 and 34.05.350 (1)(c). WSR 11-06-042, § 388-14A-5004, filed 2/28/11, effective 3/31/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 26.18.170, 26.23.035, 26.23.050, [26.23.]110, 74.20.040, 74.20A.030, [74.20A.]055, [74.20A.]056, and 74.20A.310. WSR 09-02-059, § 388-14A-5004, filed 1/5/09, effective 1/27/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 74.20A.057, 74.20A.310. WSR 01-03-089, § 388-14A-5004, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-270.]