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WAC 67-25-398: Vocational rehabilitation services-Training-Adaptive skills of blindness

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 67 > Chapter 67-25 > Section 67-25-398



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 67-25-398

Vocational rehabilitation services—Training—Adaptive skills of blindness.

(1) Adaptive skills of blindness are those skills necessary for individuals who are blind to function independently, distinguished from the vocational skills necessary to perform a specific occupation. Adaptive skills include:
(a) Communications, including Braille and keyboarding;
(b) Personal management;
(c) Orientation and mobility;
(d) Adjustment to blindness;
(e) Home management;
(f) Activities of daily living;
(g) Use of rehabilitation technology; and
(h) Use of residual vision and related devices.
(2) Training in adaptive skills of blindness shall be provided to a customer in accordance with standards established by the department for instruction of the specific adaptive skill.
(3) Training in adaptive skills of blindness may be provided to a customer under an individualized plan for employment in accordance with WAC 67-25-260, or during the assessment to determine rehabilitation needs in accordance with WAC 67-25-257.
(4) The department may operate and maintain an orientation and training center as a structured setting to provide assessment and training in adaptive skills of blindness for customers.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 74.18 RCW. WSR 05-08-097, § 67-25-398, filed 4/4/05, effective 5/5/05. Statutory Authority: Chapter 74.15 RCW. WSR 95-06-057, § 67-25-398, filed 2/28/95, effective 3/31/95.]