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WAC 286-40-020: Funding and candidate selection

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 286 > Chapter 286-40 > Section 286-40-020



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 286-40-020

Funding and candidate selection.

Funding for projects approved under this chapter is from any eligible account administered by the board. Candidate project(s) are recommended by the director, and approved by the board. Selection criteria include: (1) How well the project(s) has ranked in the evaluation; (2) How well the project(s) meets needs identified in the statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation planning program and the general goals identified in WAC 286-04-030; (3) How well the project(s) meets the criteria in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants Manual; and (4) An assessment of how quickly the project(s) will progress through planning and implementation stages. [Statutory Authority: 2007 c 241 § 39, RCW 34.05.220, 34.05.230, and 42.56.040. WSR 14-09-074, § 286-40-020, filed 4/18/14, effective 5/19/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.370, 46.09.240(1), 79A.25.210, 79A.15.070, 79A.25.080, chapter 42.17 RCW. WSR 01-17-056, § 286-40-020, filed 8/14/01, effective 9/14/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.99.080(2). WSR 00-05-008, § 286-40-020, filed 2/4/00, effective 3/6/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), 43.98A.070(5), 43.99.080(2), 46.09.240(1) and 77.12.720. WSR 97-08-003 § 286-40-020, filed 3/20/97, effective 4/20/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), 43.98A.070(5), 43.99.080(2), 46.09.240(1) and 77.12.720(4). WSR 96-08-044, § 286-40-020, filed 3/29/96, effective 4/29/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.98A.060(1), [43.98A].070(5), 43.99.080, 46.09.240 and 77.12.720. WSR 94-17-095, § 286-40-020, filed 8/17/94, effective 9/17/94.]