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WAC 192-180-020: Monitoring Job Search Activities-Rcw 50.20.240

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 192 > Chapter 192-180 > Section 192-180-020



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 192-180-020

Monitoring job search activities—RCW 50.20.240.

(1) Will my job search activities be monitored? Every week that you file a claim for benefits, you must certify that you meet the job search requirements. The department may review your job search activities at any time. If you have been paid benefits for five or more weeks in any benefit year, you must provide the department with a copy of your job search log upon request. You must bring a copy of your job search log to any job search review interview (see WAC 192-180-025) for which you have been scheduled.
(2) Will the department verify the information on my job search log? Employer contacts and other job search activities on your log will be verified whenever the department has a question about the information reported. In addition, when you are scheduled for a job search review interview, your log will be verified with the listed employers on a random basis.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50.12.010, 50.12.040, 50.12.042. WSR 05-01-076, § 192-180-020, filed 12/9/04, effective 1/9/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 50.12.010 and 50.12.040. WSR 99-13-002, § 192-180-020, filed 6/3/99, effective 7/4/99.]