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WAC 250-77-030: Eligibility Beginning In 1992-93

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 250 > Chapter 250-77 > Section 250-77-030



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 250-77-030

Eligibility beginning in 1992-93.

Any public four-year institution of higher education shall be eligible to participate in the athletic gender equity tuition and fee waiver program for the academic years 1992-93 and following, provided that, in addition to the conditions in WAC 250-77-025, it has received approval for its plan to achieve gender equity in athletics from the higher education coordinating board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.15.460 and [28B.15].465. WSR 91-12-005, § 250-77-030, filed 5/28/91, effective 6/28/91.]