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WAC 284-17-281: Insurance continuing education course attendance requirements

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 284 > Chapter 284-17 > Section 284-17-281



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WAC 284-17-281

Insurance continuing education course attendance requirements.

(1) For classroom courses: (a) Attendance is based on personally identifiable information including government-issued photo identification and signature, with student participation and live interaction with the instructor; (b) The continuing education provider must use a monitor in addition to the instructor if the classroom exceeds twenty attendees; (c) The presentation is the amount of time devoted to the actual course instruction and does not include breaks, reviewing class rules, and introducing speakers; (d) To verify course completion, licensees must attend the entire presentation and sign the attendance register at the beginning and end of the presentation. (2) For self-study courses: (a) Course access is verified based on identity such as user name, password, and e-mail or signature; (b) Licensees must review the entire course before viewing or completing the final exam; (c) Licensees must successfully pass the final examination to verify course completion. (3) For webinar courses: (a) Attendance is monitored and validated based on personally identifiable information including username, password, and e-mail; (b) Attendees must participate in interactive exercises; (c) Credit for a webinar course is based on attendance and activity, not examination; (d) The attendee and an instructor do not need to be in the same location; (e) A monitor is required, in addition to the instructor, if the number of attendees exceeds five; (f) The presentation is the amount of time devoted to the actual course instruction and does not include breaks, reviewing class rules, and introducing speakers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.17.005, and 48.17.150(1). WSR 15-21-094 (Matter No. R 2015-11), § 284-17-281, filed 10/21/15, effective 11/21/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.17.005, 48.17.150(1), and 48.01.030. WSR 15-13-061 (Matter No. R 2014-02), § 284-17-281, filed 6/10/15, effective 7/11/15.]