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WAC 504-04-120: Confidentiality of student, faculty and staff formal adjudicative proceedings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 504 > Chapter 504-04 > Section 504-04-120



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 504-04-120

Confidentiality of student, faculty and staff formal adjudicative proceedings.

In formal adjudicative proceedings, the presiding officer shall have the power to close all or part of the hearing to public observation. The presiding officer shall have the power to impose reasonable conditions upon observation of the proceeding. The presiding officer also shall have the power to regulate the use of photographic and recording equipment. In the case of hearings involving discipline, termination, or medical withdrawal, hearings will normally be closed to public observation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220, 28B.30.095, 28B.30.125, 28B.10.648, 34.05.250 and 34.05.482. WSR 89-23-117, § 504-04-120, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89.]