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WAC 208-690-020: Voluntary license application

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-690 > Section 208-690-020



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 208-690-020

Voluntary license application.

May I apply for and receive a license under this chapter even though I am exempt from licensing?
(1) Any person otherwise exempt from licensing under the provisions of the act may voluntarily submit an application to the director for a money transmitter or currency exchange license. The director shall review such application and may grant or deny licenses to such applicants upon the same grounds and subject to payment of the same fees as are applicable to persons required to be licensed.
(2) Upon receipt of a license under this section, the licensee is required to maintain a valid license and is subject to all the provisions of the act and these rules until the license is surrendered or revoked.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040, 19.230.310, 2010 c 37. WSR 10-20-123, § 208-690-020, filed 10/5/10, effective 11/5/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.230.310 and 43.320.040. WSR 04-15-005, § 208-690-020, filed 7/7/04, effective 8/7/04.]