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WAC 392-144-030: Training and qualifications of school bus driver instructors-Administration

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-144 > Section 392-144-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-144-030

Training and qualifications of school bus driver instructors—Administration.

The superintendent shall determine the qualifications necessary for applicants for the school bus driver instructor course and qualifications necessary for continuation of the school bus driver instructor authorization. Each school bus driver instructor shall verify annually that they continue to meet the qualifications. In the case of denial of authorization or disqualification, the superintendent shall provide an appeal process consistent with the provisions of this chapter. (1) A school bus driver instructor's authorization shall lapse effective the first day of September of any school year, unless the driver instructor has successfully completed the school bus driver instructor's in-service training for that school year. A school bus driver instructor is not required to notify the superintendent when the instructor's authorization is lapsed. A school bus driver instructor with a lapsed authorization cannot verify the successful completion of the school bus driver training course or the school bus driver in-service training. Reinstatement of the school bus driver instructor's authorization that has lapsed for failure to complete the annual in-service training occurs automatically upon completion of the required training, provided the authorization has not expired. (2) A school bus driver instructor's authorization shall expire effective the first day of September of the second school year without successful completion of the school bus driver instructor's annual in-service training. Reinstatement of a school bus driver instructor's authorization that has expired requires another successful completion of the school bus driver instructor training course. A school bus driver instructor with an expired authorization cannot verify the successful completion of the school bus driver training course or the school bus driver in-service training. (3) Intentional falsification of school bus driver training records shall result in permanent revocation of the school bus driver instructor authorization. School bus driver training records include, but are not limited to: (a) Initial school bus driver training records; (b) School bus driver annual in-service training records; (c) School bus driver annual verification reports as required by this chapter. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.160.210. WSR 14-09-031, § 392-144-030, filed 4/9/14, effective 9/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.160.210 and 2006 c 263 § 906. WSR 06-15-010, amended and recodified as § 392-144-030, filed 7/6/06, effective 8/6/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.160.210. WSR 05-19-107, § 180-20-021, filed 9/20/05, effective 10/21/05; WSR 04-08-055, § 180-20-021, filed 4/2/04, effective 5/3/04.]