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WAC 392-410-340: Equivalency credit for alternative learning experiences, nonhigh school courses, electronically mediated courses, work experience, and challenges

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-410 > Section 392-410-340



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-410-340

Equivalency credit for alternative learning experiences, nonhigh school courses, electronically mediated courses, work experience, and challenges.

The board of directors of a district offering a high school diploma shall adopt written policies providing for the granting of high school graduation credit for alternative learning experiences, nonhigh school courses, work experience, and challenges. High school credits may be given for, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Planned learning experiences conducted away from the school under the supervision or with the approval of the school and linked to one or more of the state learning goals and related essential academic learning requirements;
(2) Work experience on the basis that four hundred five hours of work experience equals one credit;
(3) National Guard high school career training and National Guard youth challenge;
(4) Postsecondary courses in accredited colleges and universities. In the case of courses taken under the statutory running start option under RCW 28A.600.300 through 28A.600.400, the district shall award high school credit pursuant to RCW 28A.230.090(6);
(5) Courses in accredited or approved technical colleges;
(6) Correspondence courses from accredited colleges and universities or schools approved by the National University Education Association or the Distance Education and Training Council;
(7) Electronically mediated courses meeting standards which shall be adopted by written policy by the school district, or standards adopted by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, or the Distance Education and Training Council, or the Commission for International and Trans-regional Accreditation;
(8) Other courses offered by any school or institution if specifically approved for credit by the district; and
(9) Credit based on competency testing, in lieu of enrollment or taking specific courses, may be granted by the district.
[Statutory Authority: 2006 c 263. WSR 06-14-009, recodified as § 392-410-340, filed 6/22/06, effective 6/22/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.230.090. WSR 05-23-058, § 180-51-110, filed 11/10/05, effective 12/11/05; WSR 00-19-108, § 180-51-110, filed 9/20/00, effective 10/21/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.05.060. WSR 85-12-041 (Order 12-85), § 180-51-110, filed 6/5/85. Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.05 RCW. WSR 84-11-049 (Order 7-84), § 180-51-110, filed 5/17/84.]