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WAC 246-290-686: Compliance requirements for unfiltered systems

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-290 > Section 246-290-686



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-290-686

Compliance requirements for unfiltered systems.

(1) The purveyor using an unfiltered surface or GWI source shall comply with:
(a) Subparts A and D of Part 6 of chapter 246-290 WAC; and
(b) All other applicable sections of this chapter.
(2) The purveyor purchasing water from a system using a surface or GWI source shall comply with:
(a) The applicable requirements of Subpart A of Part 6 of chapter 246-290 WAC;
(b) The disinfection, monitoring and reporting requirements under WAC 246-290-692 (5)(b), 246-290-694 (8)(b) and 246-290-696(4) respectively when purchasing completely treated surface or GWI water; or
(c) The treatment technique, monitoring and reporting requirements as directed by the department when the purveyor is purchasing incompletely treated surface or GWI water.
(3) The purveyor using an unfiltered GWI source shall be subject to the effective dates, compliance requirements, and violations specified in Table 12.
Table 12





Six months after GWI determination Only Analytical, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements (WAC 246-290-638, 246-290-694 and 246-290-696 respectively) Refer to 40 C.F.R. 141.13 and 141.22 Not in effect yet

Eighteen months after GWI determination Subparts A and D No longer in effect In effect as defined in WAC 246-290-632

(4) Purveyors of community systems using surface water sources had the option to remain unfiltered if they demonstrated compliance with the department's criteria to remain unfiltered by December 30, 1991.
(5) A purveyor that served water to the public before January 1, 1991, using a GWI source may have that source remain unfiltered, if, within eighteen months of GWI determination, the purveyor complies with Part 6 of this chapter and, the source water quality and site-specific conditions under WAC 246-290-690 or 246-290-691 as demonstrated through monitoring conducted in accordance with WAC 246-290-694.
(6) The purveyor with sources that are approved to remain unfiltered shall comply with the source water quality and site-specific conditions under WAC 246-290-690 or 246-290-691 as demonstrated through monitoring conducted in accordance with WAC 246-290-694.
(7) The purveyor shall install filtration when the system fails to meet one or more of the source water quality and site-specific conditions under WAC 246-290-690 and 246-290-691, or the department determines that installation of filtration is necessary to protect the health of consumers served by the water system.
(8) The purveyor, in response to a written notification by the department, shall install filtration within eighteen months.
(9) The purveyor may comply with the requirements to install filtration by:
(a) Constructing a water treatment facility that is designed, operated, and maintained in accordance with Subparts A, B, and C of Part 6 of this chapter;
(b) Satisfying the source water quality and site-specific criteria specified in WAC 246-290-691 and constructing treatment facilities that are designed, operated, and maintained to provide a limited alternative to filtration in accordance with WAC 246-290-692; or
(c) Abandoning the surface water or GWI source, and:
(i) Developing an alternate, department-approved groundwater source; or
(ii) Purchasing completely treated water from a department-approved public water system.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 70.119A.080. WSR 10-20-068, § 246-290-686, filed 9/29/10, effective 11/1/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.02.050 [43.20.050]. WSR 99-07-021, § 246-290-686, filed 3/9/99, effective 4/9/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 94-14-001, § 246-290-686, filed 6/22/94, effective 7/23/94; WSR 93-08-011 (Order 352B), § 246-290-686, filed 3/25/93, effective 4/25/93.]