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WAC 392-162-100: Program Coordination

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-162 > Section 392-162-100



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-162-100

Program coordination.

School districts may coordinate federal, state, and local programs in order to serve the maximum number of students who are below grade level in basic skills. Students receiving assistance in another special needs program may also be served in the learning assistance program if they meet student eligibility and selection requirements as identified in WAC 392-162-032 and 392-162-080.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.070. WSR 07-02-015, § 392-162-100, filed 12/21/06, effective 1/21/07. Statutory Authority: 1987 c 478. WSR 87-22-001 (Order 87-14), § 392-162-100, filed 10/22/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.408. WSR 84-14-038 (Order 84-21), § 392-162-100, filed 6/28/84.]