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WAC 458-02-300: Trade names-Registration-Fees-Search-Changes

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 458 > Chapter 458-02 > Section 458-02-300


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Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 458-02-300

Trade names—Registration—Fees—Search—Changes.

(1) Introduction.
(a) Any person or persons who carries on, conducts or transacts business under a name or names that do not include the true and real name of all persons conducting that business must register that name or names with the department as trade name(s). (b) Trade name registrations are made by completing a business license application, payment of the appropriate fees, and providing the required information. (c) A notice of change must be filed with the department when any information in the business license application relating to the trade name registration has changed. (d) A trade name must be canceled with the department when use of the trade name is discontinued. (2) For the purpose of this section, applicable terms have the meaning given in RCW 19.80.005. (3) Can I search for a trade name?
(a) Free search of a particular trade name is available online at (b) Trade name registration does not afford any brand name protection or provide you with unlimited rights for the use of that name. (4) What are the fees related to the trade name registration?

Type of fee: Fee amount:

Trade name registration $5.00 per name
(5) Can I get a refund? The fees related to trade name registrations are not refundable. [Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300 and 82.01.060(2). WSR 14-08-010, § 458-02-300, filed 3/20/14, effective 4/20/14.]