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WAC 246-867-040: Approval of substance abuse monitoring programs

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-867 > Section 246-867-040



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WAC 246-867-040

Approval of substance abuse monitoring programs.

The board will approve pharmacist recovery, assistance, and monitoring programs which will participate in the board's substance abuse monitoring program. The board may contract for these services.
(1) The approved monitoring program will not provide evaluation or treatment to participating pharmacists.
(2) The approved monitoring program/recovery assistance staff must have the qualifications and knowledge of both substance abuse and the practice of pharmacy as defined in this chapter to be able to evaluate:
(a) Clinical laboratories.
(b) Laboratory results.
(c) Providers of substance abuse treatment, both individuals and facilities.
(d) Pharmacist support groups.
(e) The pharmacist's work environment.
(f) The ability of the pharmacist to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
(3) The approved monitoring program will enter into a contract with the pharmacist and the board to oversee the pharmacists' compliance with the requirements of the program.
(4) The approved monitoring program may make exceptions to individual components of the contract on an individual basis.
(5) The approved monitoring program staff will determine, on an individual basis, whether a pharmacist will be prohibited from engaging in the practice of pharmacy for a period of time and restrictions, if any, on the pharmacist's access to controlled substances in the work place.
(6) The approved monitoring program shall maintain records on participants.
(7) The approved monitoring program will be responsible for providing feedback to the pharmacist as to whether treatment progress is acceptable.
(8) The approved monitoring program shall report to the board any pharmacist who fails to comply with the requirements of the monitoring program.
(9) The approved monitoring program shall provide the board with a statistical report on the program, including progress of participants, at least annually.
(10) The approved monitoring program shall receive from the board guidelines on treatment, monitoring, and limitations on the practice of pharmacy for those participating in the program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. WSR 91-18-057 (Order 191B), recodified as § 246-867-040, filed 8/30/91, effective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005. WSR 90-03-054 (Order 025), § 360-15-050, filed 1/17/90, effective 2/17/90.]