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WAC 246-361-025: Operating License

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-361 > Section 246-361-025



Agency filings affecting this section

(Effective until January 1, 2016.)
WAC 246-361-025

Operating license.

A cherry tent camp license is limited to one week before the commencement through one week following the conclusion of the cherry harvest within the state. The operator:
(1) Must request a license from the department of health or health officer when:
(a) The camp will house ten or more occupants;
(b) Compliance with MSPA requires a license; or
(c) Construction of camp buildings requires a license under chapter 246-359 WAC, Temporary worker housing construction standard.
(2) Must apply for an operating license at least forty-five days prior to either the use of the camp or the expiration of an existing operating license by submitting to the department of health or health officer:
(a) A completed application on a form provided by the department or health officer;
(b) Proof water system is current with all water tests required by chapter 246-290 or 246-291 WAC; and
(c) A fee as specified in WAC 246-361-990.
(3) Will receive an operating license for the maximum number of occupants as determined by WAC 246-361-030 when:
(a) The application requirements from subsection (2) of this section are met;
(b) The site is in compliance with this chapter as demonstrated by a licensing survey completed by the department; and
(c) The operator complies with the corrective action plan established by the department.
(4) Must post the operating license in a place readily accessible to workers.
(5) Must notify the department of health in the event of a transfer of ownership.
(6) Must cooperate with the department during on-site inspections.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.114A.110 and 2002 c 23. WSR 02-23-071, § 246-361-025, filed 11/19/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.114A.065 and 70.114A.110. WSR 00-06-082, § 246-361-025, filed 3/1/00, effective 3/1/00.]