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WAC 197-11-410: Expanded Scoping. (Optional)

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 197 > Chapter 197-11 > Section 197-11-410



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WAC 197-11-410

Expanded scoping. (Optional)

(1) At its option, the lead agency may expand the scoping process to include any or all of the following, which may be applied on a proposal-by-proposal basis:
(a) Using questionnaires or information packets.
(b) Using meetings or workshops, which may be combined with any other early planning meetings of the agency.
(c) Using a coordinator or team from inside or outside the agency.
(d) Developing cooperative consultation and exchange of information among agencies before the EIS is prepared, rather than awaiting submission of comments on a completed document.
(e) Coordinating and integrating other government reviews and approvals with the EIS process through memoranda or other methods.
(f) Inviting participation of agencies with jurisdiction or expertise from various levels of government, such as regional or federal agencies.
(g) Using other methods as the lead agency may find helpful.
(2) Use of expanded scoping is intended to promote interagency cooperation, public participation, and innovative ways to streamline the SEPA process. Steps shall be taken, as the lead agency determines appropriate, to encourage and assist public participation. There are no specified procedural requirements for the methods, techniques, or documents which may be used in an expanded scoping process, to provide maximum flexibility to meet these purposes.
(3) The lead agency shall consult with an applicant prior to deciding the method and schedule for an expanded scoping process.
(4) Under expanded scoping, an applicant may request, in which case the lead agency shall set, a date by which the lead agency shall determine the scope of the EIS, including the need for any field investigations (to the extent permitted by the details available on the proposal). The date shall occur thirty days or less after the DS is issued, unless the lead agency and applicant agree upon a later date.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21C.110. WSR 84-05-020 (Order DE 83-39), § 197-11-410, filed 2/10/84, effective 4/4/84.]