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WAC 352-60-120: Water Ski Observer

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 352 > Chapter 352-60 > Section 352-60-120



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 352-60-120

Water ski observer.

Qualifications. These rules are to establish minimum requirements for the observer required when water skiing on the waters of the state.
(1) The observer shall be physically capable and mentally competent of performing the following requirements:
(a) Continuously observe the skier or skiers;
(b) Inform the operator of the vessel towing the skier or skiers when they are no longer being towed;
(c) Raise the skier down flag as required when a person is in the water preparing to ski or returning to the ski vessel.
(2) Nothing in this section shall preempt local government from exercising any power that it possesses under the laws or Constitution of the state of Washington to adopt more stringent regulations on the qualifications for water ski observer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.400, 88.12.065, 88.12.125, 88.12.245 and chapter 33, C.F.R. Part 175.15. WSR 94-16-027, § 352-60-120, filed 7/25/94, effective 8/25/94.]