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WAC 296-125-0200: If I plan to employ minors in my business, what general requirements do I have to satisfy?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-125 > Section 296-125-0200



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 296-125-0200

If I plan to employ minors in my business, what general requirements do I have to satisfy?

(1) You must obtain, keep current and post valid minor work permit endorsements issued by the department.
(2) If employing minors for house-to-house sales, you must satisfy the special requirements in WAC 296-125-024 for that activity.
(3) You must obtain and keep on file a completed parent/school authorization form for each minor you employ.
(4) You must keep on file any variances issued to you according to variance and/or special variance sections of this chapter.
(5) If you sponsor bona fide unpaid work-based learning programs approved by the office of the superintendent of public instruction or a local school district, you are not required to obtain minor work permit endorsements for those programs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.12.121. WSR 99-02-041, § 296-125-0200, filed 12/31/98, effective 1/31/99.]