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WAC 246-360-200: Safety, chemical, and physical hazards

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-360 > Section 246-360-200



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-360-200

Safety, chemical, and physical hazards.

The licensee must:
(1) Establish and follow policies and procedures for properly and safely storing, labeling, and using all hazardous chemical agents or any substance bearing a warning label, such as cleaners, solvents, disinfectants and insecticides to assure they are:
(a) Stored to prevent contamination of clothing, towels, washcloths, and bedding materials, and away from food items or anything intended for consumption; and
(b) Used according to manufacturer's precautions and recommendations;
(2) Provide adequate and safe hand railing for all stairways, porches, and balconies including appropriate spacing between slats;
(3) Eliminate all known environmental health and safety hazards in and around the transient accommodation, including hazards resulting from fire, natural or other disasters and chemical or biological contamination. The presence of any hazard must be fully eliminated prior to reoccupancy of any affected area or living unit. When a hazard is confirmed, approval from any and all appropriate local authorities is required prior to reoccupancy;
(4) Ensure all doors providing access to a lodging unit are equipped with a suitable locking security device in compliance with applicable building and fire codes; and
(5) If spas, pools and/or hot tubs are provided, have available for review a copy of a current water recreation facility permit issued by the local health jurisdiction.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.62 RCW. WSR 04-24-002, § 246-360-200, filed 11/18/04, effective 4/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.62.240. WSR 94-23-077, § 246-360-200, filed 11/16/94, effective 12/17/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 91-02-051 (Order 124B), recodified as § 246-360-200, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91; WSR 89-11-058 (Order 328), § 248-144-211, filed 5/17/89.]