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WAC 308-91-140: Vehicle transaction fee

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-91 > Section 308-91-140



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 308-91-140

Vehicle transaction fee.

How much is the vehicle transaction fee? The vehicle transaction fee is four dollars and fifty cents.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010. WSR 00-01-150, § 308-91-140, filed 12/21/99, effective 1/21/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.080, 46.87.130, 46.87.140, 88.44.060 [82.44.060], 46.87.010(2) and 82.44.100. WSR 89-07-035 (Order PFT 89-03), § 308-91-140, filed 3/10/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.87.010(2), 46.01.110 and chapters 46.87 and 46.85 RCW. WSR 88-06-061 (Order PFT 8803), § 308-91-140, filed 3/2/88.]