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WAC 332-52-115: Removal of plants, soils, rocks, and other valuable materials

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 332 > Chapter 332-52 > Section 332-52-115



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 332-52-115

Removal of plants, soils, rocks, and other valuable materials.

(1) Can soil, plants, rocks, or other valuable materials be removed on department-managed lands?
(a) A person shall not remove soil, rocks, plants, natural features, or valuable materials on department-managed lands without written authorization from the department except when already authorized by law.
(b) Information about what written authorization is required for the removal of soil, rocks, plants, natural features, or valuable materials may be obtained by contacting a region office during business hours.
(2) Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.30 RCW and RCW 43.12.065. WSR 09-05-034, § 332-52-115, filed 2/11/09, effective 3/14/09.]