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WAC 220-56-355: Clams-Unlawful Acts

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 220 > Chapter 220-56 > Section 220-56-355



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 220-56-355

Clams—Unlawful acts.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person digging clams other than razor clams for personal use to fail to fill in holes created during the digging operation. Beach terrain must be returned to approximately its original condition by clam diggers before leaving the scene.
(2) It shall be unlawful to maim, injure or attempt to capture a geoduck by thrusting any instrument through its siphon or to possess only the siphon or neck portion of a geoduck.
(3) It is unlawful to possess Manila, native littleneck, cockle, or butter clams taken for personal use which measure less than 1-1/2 inches across the longest dimension of the shell except minimum size 1-1/4 inches if taken from public tidelands on the west side of Quilcene Bay north of the county boat ramp.
(4) It is unlawful to return any eastern softshells, horse clams, or geoducks to the beach or water regardless of size or condition. All such clams taken for personal use must be retained by the digger as part of the daily limit.
(5) Violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction, punishable under RCW 77.15.160.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. WSR 02-17-019 (Order 02-193), § 220-56-355, filed 8/9/02, effective 9/9/02; WSR 02-08-048 (Order 02-53), § 220-56-355, filed 3/29/02, effective 5/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. WSR 97-07-078 (Order 97-53), § 220-56-355, filed 3/19/97, effective 5/1/97; WSR 89-07-060 (Order 89-12), § 220-56-355, filed 3/16/89; WSR 88-10-013 (Order 88-15), § 220-56-355, filed 4/26/88; WSR 80-03-064 (Order 80-12), § 220-56-355, filed 2/27/80, effective 4/1/80. Formerly WAC 220-56-082.]