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WAC 388-03-170: Can the department deny or revoke my certification or authorization status?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-03 > Section 388-03-170



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-03-170

Can the department deny or revoke my certification or authorization status?

Except for current DSHS employees in designated bilingual positions, the department may deny or revoke either your certification or authorization status if it determines that you committed any of the following acts: (1) You have not been truthful when dealing with the department; or (2) You have violated any provision of the department's code of professional conduct that is determined to be creating major negative impacts on the department or the profession; or (3) You have committed any act that constitutes a felony or misdemeanor related to your language service assignments; or (4) You have committed any fraud, dishonesty, or corruption related to your language service assignments; or (5) You continued to violate any provision of the department's code of professional conduct after receipt of notification to discontinue; or (6) You continued to falsely or deceptively advertise your language service after receipt of notification to discontinue; or (7) It is determined that you are grossly incompetent as a language access provider. In making this determination, the department will consider the investigation findings by the authorized entity, or the entity that contracts with you. Alternatively, if the department determines that you engaged in misconduct but that the misconduct is not one of the acts described above, the department will alert you to your misconduct and notify you to discontinue such misconduct. Once you have been decertified/deauthorized due to any of the proven acts listed above, you will be ineligible indefinitely for recertification/reauthorization. [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.025, 74.08.090, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and 45 C.F.R. Section 80.3 (b)(2). WSR 15-07-008, § 388-03-170, filed 3/6/15, effective 4/6/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 2.43.010, 74.04.025, and 74.08.090. WSR 00-06-014, § 388-03-170, filed 2/22/00, effective 3/24/00.]