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WAC 460-99C-230: Disqualification based on reporting failures

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 460 > Chapter 460-99C > Section 460-99C-230



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 460-99C-230

Disqualification based on reporting failures.

An issuer that has sold securities in reliance on RCW 21.20.880 and has not complied with the quarterly reporting requirements set forth in WAC 460-99C-180 during the twelve months immediately preceding the filing of the Washington Crowdfunding Form is ineligible to offer securities in reliance on RCW 21.20.880. [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450, 21.20.880, 21.20.883, 21.20.886, and 2014 c 144. WSR 14-21-001, § 460-99C-230, filed 10/1/14, effective 11/1/14.]