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WAC 296-155-620: Pile Driving Equipment

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-155 > Section 296-155-620



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WAC 296-155-620

Pile driving equipment.

(1) General requirements.
(a) Boilers and piping systems which are a part of, or used with, pile driving equipment shall meet the applicable requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Powers Boilers (section I).
(b) All pressure vessels which are a part of or used with, pile driving equipment shall meet the applicable requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels (section VIII).
(c) Overhead protection, which will not obscure the vision of the operator, and which meets the requirements of Part L of this chapter, shall be provided. Protection shall be of 2-inch planking or other solid material of equivalent strength.
(d) Stop blocks shall be provided for the leads to prevent the hammer from being raised against the head block.
(e) A blocking device, capable of safely supporting the weight of the hammer shall be provided for placement in the leads under the hammer at all times while employees are working under the hammer.
(f) Guards shall be provided across the top of the head block to prevent the cable from jumping out of the sheaves.
(g) When the leads must be inclined in the driving of batter piles, provisions shall be made to stabilize the leads.
(h) All working equipment shall be visually inspected at the beginning of each shift.
(i) Fixed leads shall be provided with ladder, and adequate rings, or similar attachment points, so that the loft workers may engage their full body harness lanyard to the leads. If the leads are provided with loft platform(s) such platform(s) shall be protected by standard guardrails.
(j) Pile drivers with swinging leads shall have a wire rope safety strap on top end.
(k) Spud bars shall be of hard wood with smooth round handle end for safe handling. Iron shod spud bars are prohibited.
(l) A follower block or driving cap shall be used with a drop hammer on all piling except sheet piling.
(m) Steam hose leading to a steam hammer or jet pipe shall be securely attached to the hammer with an adequate length of at least 1/4-inch diameter chain or cable to prevent whipping in the event the joint at the hammer is broken. Air hammer hoses shall be provided with the same protection as required for steam lines.
(n) Safety chains, or equivalent means, shall be provided for each hose connection to prevent the line from thrashing around in case the coupling becomes disconnected.
(o) Steam line controls shall consist of two shutoff valves, one of which shall be a quick-acting lever type within easy reach of the hammer operator.
(p) Guys, outriggers, thrustouts, or counterbalances shall be provided as necessary to maintain stability of pile driver rigs.
(q) Ladders constructed in compliance with this chapter shall be installed on all pile drivers from the hoist platform to the head block, and in such position that workers using ladders will not come in contact with lines, sheaves, etc.
(r) Drop hammers which have been chipped on the face shall not be used for pile driving.
(s) Groove worn drums or spools shall be replaced or properly repaired to present a smooth working surface.
(t) At least two full wraps of cable shall be maintained on hoisting drums.
(u) Proper racks shall be provided for storage of cross-cut saws.
(v) Every hoisting drum used as a pile driver shall be equipped with manually operated dogs or pawls to hold suspended loads. Foot brakes shall only be used to hold suspended loads until drum dogs are engaged. The dogs shall be visible from the operator's station or be equipped with a positive direct connected telltale which shall be visible to the operator.
(w) No counterweight or spring arrangement on dogs shall be permitted which would allow dog to be automatically disengaged either by relieving the load or rolling the drum.
(x) In every crew there shall be designated signalperson. The driver operator or drum person shall receive signals from no others, except when loftworker is above. The hammer shall not be lowered except on the loftworker's signal.
(y) Spliced hammer lines shall not be used.
(2) Pile driving from barges and floats. Barges or floats supporting pile driving operations shall meet the applicable requirements of WAC 296-155-630.
(3) Pile driving equipment.
(a) Engineers and winchperson shall accept signals only from the designated signalperson.
(b) All employees shall be kept clear when piling is being hoisted into the leads.
(c) When piles are being driven in an excavated pit, the walls of the pit shall be sloped to the angle of repose or sheet-piled and braced.
(d) When steel tube piles are being "blown out," employees shall be kept well beyond the range of falling materials.
(e) When it is necessary to cut off the tops of driven piles, pile driving operations shall be suspended except where the cutting operations are located at least twice the length of the longest pile from the driver.
(f) When driving jacked piles, all access pits shall be provided with ladders and bulkheaded curbs to prevent material from falling into the pit.
(g) Floating equipment such as dredges and pile drivers shall maintain a signal system to shore in the event of an emergency.
(h) The distribution of machinery on floating equipment shall be such that the completed unit floats on an even keel.
(i) Fuel tanks below decks shall be vented to outside of hull and vents shall be equipped with flame arrestors.
(j) All hull compartments shall be ventilated. No person shall work in hull compartments until it is shown the compartments contain no flammable or toxic concentrations.
(k) Light fixtures installed or used within the hull shall be explosion proof.
(l) All floating rigs shall be equipped with ladderways extending from the deck to the waterline where the deck is more than 36 inches above the water. A wire rope shall be hung along both sides of the hull or float and so hung that it shall be at all times near or at the waterline.
(m) Doors of deck houses where deck house sets within 36" of edge of deck and doorways in hull shall be equipped with guard rails or cross chains.
(n) Deck houses shall have a substantial grab rail installed on all sides where such installation will not interfere with operations.
(o) Pile driver and dredge fairlead sheaves, and spudline sheaves shall be guarded to prevent workers or tools being drawn into them.
(p) All work deck shall be kept clear of debris, unnecessary tools and equipment in order to minimize the stumbling hazard. Lines shall be coiled, tools stored and material stacked clear of working spaces.
(q) Night operations shall be adequately lighted for all activity while work is in progress and shall be maintained until workers leave the work area.
(r) Electrical installation and equipment shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the National Electric Code.
(s) All walkways over water and on dredge pontoon discharge pipe lines shall be a minimum of 20" in width with standard handrail along one side on structures and gang planks. Walkways on pontoon lines may be equipped with hand lines in lieu of standard handrail.
(t) Adequate fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided and maintained in a serviceable condition.
(u) Protective equipment shall be used when working with creosote timbers. Protective creams shall be used on exposed skin surfaces and gloves and eye protection worn especially when driving piles.
(v) Pulling piles with hammer or pile line rigged through the head block is prohibited unless driver and rigging are designed to safely withstand the imposed strain.
(w) Truck runways and platforms shall be equipped with a wheel guard on all outside edges. Top of wheel guards shall be a minimum of 10 inches above deck.
(x) Use of foot blocks at base of leads for hammer line or pile line is prohibited.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-620, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; WSR 91-03-044 (Order 90-18), § 296-155-620, filed 1/10/91, effective 2/12/91; Order 76-29, § 296-155-620, filed 9/30/76; Order 74-26, § 296-155-620, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]